Tetranychus urticae check for this species in other resources , pepino fly, Rhagoletis nova check for this species in other resources "/>
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Agricultura Técnica
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
ISSN: 0365-2807
EISSN: 0365-2807
Vol. 62, No. 1, 2002, pp. 15-26
Bioline Code: at02002
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Agricultura Técnica, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2002, pp. 15-26

 en Insect and mite pest incidence on sweet pepinos ( Solanum muricatum check for this species in other resources Ait.) cultivated in the IV Region, Chile
Patricia Larraín S.


From October 1995 through March 1997, pests were studied on pepino ( Solanum muricatum check for this species in other resources Ait.) plants grown at Cerrillos de Tamaya (30° S lat; 71°16´ W long) in Ovalle, IV Region, Chile. Six pepino plots were planted at two-month intervals. The different pests that infested the crops were monitored. Additionally, acaricides and insecticides were evaluated for the control of two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae check for this species in other resources (Koch), and mealybugs Phenacoccus solenopsis check for this species in other resources (Tingley), respectively. Results showed twenty-four species of arthropods infesting pepino plants. Among them, the mites, especially Tetranychus urticae , were abundant and reached levels of 350 mites per leaf, causing severe defoliation. Spraying the acaricides cyhexatin and amitraz effectively controlled the infestation. The pepino fly, Rhagoletis nova check for this species in other resources (Schiner), provoked considerable losses during certain periods, but its greatest importance is that it is a quarantined pest and limits pepino exports to important markets. Other pests of economic significance to the crop, whose population levels must be monitored and controlled, are the moth Symmetrischema tangolias check for this species in other resources (Gyen), the green peach aphid Myzus persicae check for this species in other resources (Sulzer) and the soil mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tingley). The mealybug was controlled spraying clorpirifos and carbofuran.

insects, pests, mites, pepino, two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae check for this species in other resources , pepino fly, Rhagoletis nova check for this species in other resources

 es INCIDENCIA DE INSECTOS Y ÁCAROS PLAGAS EN PEPINO DULCE ( Solanum muricatum check for this species in other resources Ait.) CULTIVADO EN LA IV REGIÓN, CHILE
Patricia Larraín S.


Entre octubre de 1995 y marzo de 1997, se estudiaron las plagas de pepino dulce ( Solanum muricatum check for this species in other resources Ait.) y sus efectos, en la localidad de Cerrillos de Tamaya (30° lat. Sur; 71°16 long. Oeste) Ovalle, IV Región, Chile. Se utilizaron seis parcelas plantadas con diferencia de dos meses entre sí. En estas plantas se observaron las distintas plagas que infestaron el cultivo. Adicionalmente se evaluaron acaricidas e insecticidas para el control de arañita bimaculada Tetranychus urticae check for this species in other resources (Koch) y chanchito blanco Phenacoccus solenopsis check for this species in other resources (Tingley), respectivamente. El estudio indicó que veinticuatro especies de artrópodos atacan al cultivo. Entre ellas los ácaros, principalmente T. urticae , tienen relevancia económica por alcanzar poblaciones de hasta 350 ácaros por hoja, y causar una defoliación severa del cultivo. Estas plagas fueron eficientemente controladas con los acaricidas cyhexatin y amitraz. La mosca del pepino Rhagoletis nova check for this species in other resources , en algunos períodos provocó pérdidas considerables, pero su mayor importancia es su condición de plaga cuarentenaria que limita las exportaciones de pepino hacia importantes mercados. Otras plagas que pueden revestir importancia económica en el cultivo y que deben ser monitoreadas y controladas frente a alzas poblacionales son la polilla de las solanáceas Symmetrischema tangolias check for this species in other resources (Gyen), el pulgón verde del duraznero Myzus persicae check for this species in other resources (Sulzer), y el chanchito blanco del suelo Phenacoccus solenopsis ; este ultimo puede ser controlado eficientemente con clorpirifos y carbofuran.

insectos, plagas, arañitas, pepino, arañita bimaculada, Tetranychus urticae check for this species in other resources , mosca del pepino, Rhagoletis nova check for this species in other resources

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