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Agricultura Técnica
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA
ISSN: 0365-2807
EISSN: 0365-2807
Vol. 66, No. 2, 2006, pp. 159-165
Bioline Code: at06017
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Agricultura Técnica, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2006, pp. 159-165

 en Effectivity of entomopathogenic fungus strains on tomato moth Tuta absoluta check for this species in other resources Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)larvae
Rodríguez, Marta; Gerding, Marcos & France, Andrés


The tomato moth, Tuta absoluta check for this species in other resources Meyrick, is a serious pest on tomatoes (Lycopersicon check for this species in other resources esculentum check for this species in other resources L.) crops in Chile. Laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the virulence and effectiveness of the isolates Metarhizium anisopliae check for this species in other resources var. anisopliae isolate Qu-M558 and Beauveria bassiana check for this species in other resources isolate Qu-B912, on third instar of T. absoluta larvae. The first evaluation was carried out spraying directly on third instar larvae, spore suspensions (0 to 108 conidia mL-1) of each isolate through a Potter tower. Comparisons were made by calculating the area under a mortality progress curve. Differences were not observed in the areas between isolates (P = 0.384). The LC50 and LC90 for Qu-B912 were 104.4 and 107.6 conidia mL-1, and for Qu-M558 were 105.4 and 109.1 conidia mL-1, respectively. A second evaluation was carried out spraying on tomato leaves spore suspensions (0 to 108 conidia mL-1) of Qu-B912 isolate through a Potter tower. Third stage T. absoluta larvae were fed with these infected leaves. Thirteen days after inoculation doses of 108 conidias mL-1 caused 68% of larvae mortality.

biological control, tomato moth, tomatoes, insect pathology.

 es Efectividad de aislamientos de hongos entomopat࡟genos sobre larvas de polilla del tomate Tuta absoluta check for this species in other resources Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Rodríguez, Marta; Gerding, Marcos & France, Andrés


La polilla del tomate, Tuta absoluta check for this species in other resources Meyrick, es una plaga importante en el cultivo del tomate ( Lycopersicon esculentum check for this species in other resources L.) en Chile. Estudios de laboratorio fueron realizados para evaluar la virulencia y efectividad de Qu-M558 de Metarhizium anisopliae check for this species in other resources var. anisopliaey Qu-B912 de Beauveria bassiana check for this species in other resources . La primera evaluación fue realizada aplicando concentraciones de 0 a 108 conidia mL-1 directamente sobre larvas de tercer estadio mediante el sistema de pulverización torre Potter. Las comparaciones fueron realizadas calculando el área bajo la curva del progreso de la mortalidad a través del tiempo. No se observaron diferencias en las áreas entre aislamientos (P = 0,384). La CL50 y CL90 para Qu-B912 fue de 104,4 y 107,6 conidias mL-1, y para Qu-M558 de 105,4 y 109,1 conidias mL-1,respectivamente. Un segundo estudio fue realizado aplicando sobre hojas de tomate suspensiones de 0 a 108 conidias mL-1 del aislamiento Qu-B912, a través de la torre de pulverización Potter. Larvas del tercer estadio de T. absoluta fueron alimentadas con estas hojas infectadas. Trece días después de la inoculación los porcentajes de mortalidad alcanzaron un 68% a la máxima concentración de inóculo.

control biológico, polilla del tomate, tomate, patología de insectos

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