en |
Martin Playne
In the December issue, we are featuring proposals from the Directors of the ABA , the findings of the Steering Committee set up by the Directors in July 2000, and a summary of the findings of the Buchan Report, which was commissioned independently by the Federal Government to examine the need for a new biotechnology industry association. The thrust of these reports is to set up a restructured ABA more able to service the needs of the new biotechnology industry which is emerging as we go into the new millennium. There is no doubt that there is a need for change, and a need for a professional executive in the ABA. The debate is mostly about the form it should take, and on how to maintain the involvement and loyal support of our Ordinary Members, while being seen to provide all the services now required by an emerging industry. Such servicing requires both focus and money - and can be seen by some as being detrimental to the interests of Ordinary Members. I can assure you that the Directors and the members of the Steering Committee have been making strenuous efforts to ensure that we retain all the benefits of the present Association for all members, while creating a new dynamic Association to lead the way ahead for our industry sector. The Directors do need all the help and advice that we, the membership at large, can give them. Consequently, this magazine will be allocating a special section in the coming issues devoted to the re-structuring of the ABA - it is your forum. Take the opportunity. The documents concerned with re-structuring of the ABA will also be mounted on our web site (http://www.aba.asn.au/)...