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Australasian Biotechnology (backfiles)
ISSN: 1036-7128
Vol. 7, No. 2, 1997
Bioline Code: au97018
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Australasian Biotechnology (backfiles), Vol. 7, No. 2, 1997

 en Letters, New databases treaty, Meetings, Biocomputing, Book reviews and Provocation


Australasian Biotechnology, 
Volume 7 Number 2, March/April 1997, pp.86-128 

Letters, New databases treaty, Meetings, Biocomputing, Book reviews and

Code Number: AU97018
Size of Files:
    Text: 34.6K
    Graphics: No associated graphics files

from Dr Cyril Curtain 

New Databases Treaty
by Gary Cox

Following from initiatives set up by member states of the European
Community, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has prepared
a proposed Databases Treaty to offer legal protection of databases. The
Treaty is proposed as a means for offering protection for investments in
databases. A WIPO Diplomatic Conference will be held in Geneva in early
September to consider country proposals and submission before the Treaty is

Details of forthcoming meetings from 8 June 1997 - July 22 1998


by Martin J. Playne
ISB Adopts New Search Software for News Report Articles 

Information about web sites of biotechnological interest


Biotechnology Volume 6 - Products of Primary Metabolism 
Editor: M. Roehr; Series Editors: H.J. Rehm, G. Reed with A. Puhler and P.

Sustaining Competitive Advantage - Integrating intellectual property
strategies with new product development 
by Darryl Mischlewski (Watermark Patent Attorneys) 

Scitech Technology Directory 
A comprehensive guide to technology and industry development assistance 
in Australia 
by Jane Ford assisted by David Harman 

Scitech Asia Initiatives Directory 1997 Edition 
A comprehensive guide to Australian government, university and private 
sector Asia programs and initiatives 
by David Harman and Jane Ford 

Australian Venture Capital Guide 1997 
Publisher: Pollitecon Publications 


What's happening to this country of ours? Every day one reads in the
business press of yet another takeover of an Australian-owned company by an
offshore group; every day one finds that most of our clothes are made in
china; our bananas and oranges come from the Americas; that even the wine
shops are increasingly inundated with Chilean and European wines. What
about a bit of loyalty to our country and those that live and work here? I
don't think I am talking about "nationalism" which is a bit politically
incorrect these days. 

Copyright 1997 Australian Biotechnology Association Ltd.


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