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Australasian Biotechnology (backfiles)
ISSN: 1036-7128
Vol. 7, No. 6, 1997
Bioline Code: au97043
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Australasian Biotechnology (backfiles), Vol. 7, No. 6, 1997

 en Editorial, News, Bioshares, Meetings and ABA office holders


Australasian Biotechnology, 
Volume 7 Number 6, November/December 1997, pp.322-333    

Editorial, News, Bioshares, Meetings and ABA office holders 

Code Number: AU97043
Size of Files:
    Text: 53.7K
    Graphics: No associated graphics files



Letter from the Murdoch Institute 

Availability of human PAC/BAC Libraries and Clones at the Murdoch
Institute, Melbourne 

New and Improved Plasmids Available 

Plasmid vectors are essential for developing transgenic plants. These
tiny DNA circles are the unsung workhorses of biotechnology, helping
scientists shuttle genes into plant cells that are then regenerated into
transgenic plants. Current plasmid vectors have many limitations, and thus
scientists at the Center for the Application of Molecular Biology to
International Agriculture (CAMBIA) in Canberra, Australia have developed
improved vectors which they are making freely available to academic

HSE Advice to Consider BSE as a Biological Agent 

In the light of new research strengthening the link between BSE and new
variant CJD (nvCJD), BSE must now be considered a biological agent (human
pathogen) within the meaning of the Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health (COSHH) Regulations 1994. 

Pharmaceutical Company funds R&D Program at ANU 

ANUTECH Pty Ltd and SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals have entered into
an agreement to carry out collaborative research on the development of new
anti-infective agents which act agreement to carry out collaborative
research on the development of new anti-infective agents which act against
organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus a major cause of hospital-acquired
infections that has high levels of resistance to currently used


The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) is publishing a quarterly
newsletter/journal called `The BioInformer' which focuses on bioinformatics
research, services and developments both at the EBI and elsewhere. 

German Biotech Directory 

The recently founded German Association of Biotechnology (VBU) has
published something like a directory in the WWW. 

Nasal Insulin Trial Aims to Prevent Diabetes 

People who are at an increased risk of insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus are being encouraged to participate in a new trial using an
intra-nasal insulin aerosol. The trial is designed to find out if early
administration of insulin as an aerosol can prevent people from developing


Cortecs Awarded A$2.16 Million Government Grant to Research Otitis

ForBio Plants Strengthens World-Wide Network 

New AGEN Board 

AGEN is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr William Stubbs LLB as
Director and Chairman of the AGEN Board. 

Advances in Anti-clotting Therapy 

The biotechnology company, Thrombogenix Pty Ltd, has received an
injection of funds from the Australian Technology Group Limited (ATG), to
enable them to develop an exciting prospect for a new class of
anti-clotting drugs. Thrombogenix, a private Australian company whose
shareholders include ATG, Montech Pty Limited and the researchers who made
the initial discovery, owns the technology originally developed at Monash

Trace Scientific Expanding to New Premises 

Trace Scientific Ltd. set up Australia's first dry powder diagnostic
reagent manufacturing facility in Clayton in 1986. Since then, the company
has established itself as a leading supplier of clinical chemistry reagents
to the human Diagnostic Pathology industry throughout the world. Trace
supplies products to both end user laboratories and to major multinational
diagnostic corporations. 



The program for the Conference has reached its final stages and we look
forward to an exciting meeting that encompasses strong Scientific Sessions
and an enterprising Business Stream that has generated much interest and
sponsorhip already. 

Bioremediation Workshop 24 April 1998 


Covering Australian Biotechnology Stocks 

The July 1997 issue of Shares magazine contained an article discussing
many of the shares listed below, and provides a useful background to these

Government Assistance Available for Research and Development

Australian companies doing research and development are invited to
benefit from the Commonwealth Government's R&D Start program. An
umbrella program of four different support measures to foster research and
development and related commercialisation, R&D Start is mostly for
small to medium-sized companies. 


Details of forthcoming events from 16 February 1998 to 15 July, 1999 


Copyright 1997 Australian Biotechnology Association Ltd.


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