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Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology
ISSN: 0795-8080
Vol. 22, No. 2, 2010, pp. 105-110
Bioline Code: bk10017
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Biokemistri, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2010, pp. 105-110

 en Synthesis and Characterization of Diaquo Bis( N - Histidyl -2, 4 -Pentanedionato) Copper (II) Complex
Aliyu, H. N. & Bello, I.


N - histidyl - 2, 4 - pentanedione Schiff base was prepared from the reaction of histidine and 2, 4 pentandione. The reaction of methanolic solution of N - histidyl - 2, 4 - pentanedione Schiff base with ethanolic solution of copper (II) chloride gave diaquo bis( N - histidyl -2, 4 -pentanedionato) copper (II) complex. The prepared Schiff base is crystalline orange yellow, has a yield of 51% and melting point of 292°C. The prepared diaquo bis( N - histidyl -2, 4 -pentanedionato) copper (II) complex is crystalline green, has a yield of 72% and decomposition temperature of 345°C. The Schiff base is soluble in most solvent including water, but insoluble in ether. The diaquo bis( N - histidyl -2, 4 -pentanedionato) copper (II) complex is soluble in water, DMSO and DMF, but insoluble in most common organic solvents. The molar conductance of copper (II) Schiff base complex determined is 31 ohm-1 cm2 mol-1. The infra-red spectral data showed bands in the range 1612 - 1634 and 1590 -1610cm-1, assignable to v(C=N) stretching vibrations of Schiff base and its copper (II) complex, respectively. The broad bands in the range 3345 -3470 and 3352 -3431cm-1 are attributable to v(O-H) stretching frequencies in the Schiff base and it complex compound, respectively. The weak bands at 543 and 362 cm-1 are attributable to v(Cu-O) and v(Cu-N) stretching vibrations, respectively in the copper (II) Schiff base complex. The diss°Ciation constant (pKa) of N - histidyl -2, 4 pentanedione Schiff base determined is 4.73. The stability constant and Gibb’s free energy of copper (II) Schiff base complex determined are 8.9x109 and -5.68x104 Jmol-1, respectively. The ratio of copper (II) ion to N - histidyl -2, 4 pentanedione determined using potentiometer is 1:1.

Histidine, complex compound, acetylacetone, stability constant, potentiometry, N - histidyl -2, 4 pentanedione

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