BioSafety, Volume 4, Paper 3 (BY98003) 1998
Online Journal - URL:
Relating precaution to proportianality. How to proceed with Directive
90/220 concerning the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms
into the environment
Rene von Schomberg
Date received: 22 June 1998
Date accepted: 30 June 1998
Date published: 8 July 1998
Code Number:BY98003
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Text: 24.1K
Graphics: No associated graphics files
The European Commission has proposed the amendment of the current Directive
90/220, concerning the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms
into the environment. During 1998, the European Parliament and the European
Council will respond to the Commission's proposal. In the context of the
Directive, public pressure from bioindustry, environmental and consumer
organisations have called for a continuation of the precautionary approach
as well an approach which would be proportional to the risks involved. This
paper seeks a way forward towards consensual decision making on this
controversial subject and evaluates the new proposal of the European
Commission in the light of basic notions required for a Directive that
would meet the necessary standards for both precaution and
Keywords: Precautionary principle, genetic modification,
Biotechnology regulation, revision directive 90/220, deliberate release of
genetically modified organisms, european commission/parliament.
Copyright remains with the author.
Published by Bioline Publications.