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Ciência Florestal
Centro de Pesquisas Florestais - CEPEF, Departamento de Ciências Florestais - DCFL, Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Florestal - PPGEF
ISSN: 0103-9954
EISSN: 0103-9954
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2006, pp. 1-10
Bioline Code: cf06001
Full paper language: Portuguese
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Ciência Florestal, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2006, pp. 1-10

 en ZONING AND IDENTIFICATION OF Fusarium check for this species in other resources spp. CAUSING ROOT ROT IN ERVA-MATE PLANTINGS ( Ilex paraguariensis check for this species in other resources A. St.-Hil.) IN THE VALLEY REGION OF TAQUARI, RS
Poletto, Igor; Muniz, Marlove Fatima Brião; Ceconi, Denise Ester; Santin, Delmar; Weber, Maria Nevis Deconto & Blume, Elena


In 2004, symptoms of root rot disease were observed in erva-mate plantings in high areas of Region Taquari Valley, RS. With the help of EMATER, the municipal districts presenting plantings with symptoms were surveyed. In 10% of the affected plantings, root samples were collected and sent for analysis at the Plant Disease Laboratory at the Department of Plant Protection/CCR/UFSM. Five different species of at fungus Fusarium associated with the disease were isolated and identified: Fusarium oxysporum check for this species in other resources , Fusarium solani check for this species in other resources , Fusarium decemcellulare check for this species in other resources , Fusarium tabacinum check for this species in other resources and Fusarium tricinctum check for this species in other resources . All species were pathogenic when inoculated in erva-mate plants (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.). At the moment of sampling, information about the management of the erva-mate plantings was obtained and the similarity between the symptoms presented in erva-mate and in agronomic crops discussed, as well as hypotheses on the origin of the inoculum of Fusarium spp. that infected the erva-mate plantings.

Fusarium spp.;phytopathology; Ilex paraguariensis; pathogenicity.

 pt ZONEAMENTO E IDENTIFICAÇÃO DE Fusarium check for this species in other resources spp. CAUSADORES DE PODRIDÃO DE RAÍZES EM PLANTIOS DE ERVA-MATE ( Ilex paraguariensis check for this species in other resources A. St.-Hil.) NA REGIÃO DO VALE DO TAQUARÍ, RS
Poletto, Igor; Muniz, Marlove Fatima Brião; Ceconi, Denise Ester; Santin, Delmar; Weber, Maria Nevis Deconto & Blume, Elena


Em 2004, foram constatados sintomas da doença podridão-de-raízes em ervais nos municípios da região alta do Vale do Taquari, RS. Com o auxílio de técnicos da EMATER, fez-se um levantamento dos municípios que possuíam ervais com sintomas. Em 10% dos ervais afetados, coletaram-se amostras de raízes que foram enviadas para análise no Laboratório de Fitopatologia pertencente ao Departamento de Defesa Sanitária/CCR/UFSM. Foram isoladas e identificadas cinco diferentes espécies do fungo Fusarium associadas à doença: Fusarium oxysporum check for this species in other resources , Fusarium solani check for this species in other resources , Fusarium decemcellulare check for this species in other resources , Fusarium tabacinum check for this species in other resources e Fusarium tricinctum check for this species in other resources . Todas as espécies se mostraram patogênicas quando inoculadas em plantas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.). No momento da coleta das amostras, levantaram-se informações sobre o manejo do erval e discutiu-se a similaridade entre os sintomas apresentados na erva-mate e em culturas agronômicas bem como hipóteses sobre a origem do inóculo de Fusarium spp. que proporcionou a contaminação dos ervais.

Fusarium spp.; fitopatologia; Ilex paraguariensis; patogenicidade.

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