Wheat (
Triticum aestivum
L.) is an important cereal crop of cool climates, and plays a key role in the food and
nutritional security of India. The objective of this study was to establish the inter-relationship and direct and
indirect effect of various wheat components on yield. Thirty-seven wheat genotypes and three check varieties
were studied for correlation and path coefficient analysis of some quantitative traits in wheat at Kisan (P.G),
College, Simbhaoli in India. Generally, the estimates of genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than the
corresponding phenotypic correlation coefficients for all the character combinations. Seed yield was significantly
and positively associated with number of spikelets plant
-1, followed by number of effective tillers and 100-seed
weight at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. Seed yield showed a significant negative association with
number of seeds spikelet
-1 at genotypic level. Among the significant inter-relationships, the association of days
to 75% spike emergence with days to maturity and 100-seed weight were significant and positive, but were
negative and significantly associated with number of seeds spikelet
-1 and number of grains spike
-1. Similarly, the
associations of spike length with number of seeds spikelet
-1, and number of spikelets plant
-1 and number of
effective tillers were negative and significant. The association of number of spikelets plant
-1 with number of
effective tillers was also positive and highly significant. Path coefficient analysis revealed that the magnitude of
positive direct effect on seed yield was highest through number of spikelets plant
-1, followed by number of
grains spike
-1 and 100-seed weight; whereas protein content followed by number of seeds spikelet
-1 and number
of effective tillers exhibited high, but negative direct effect on seed yield plant