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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 22, No. 2, 2014, pp. 109-115
Bioline Code: cs14011
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2014, pp. 109-115

 en VIRUSES IN WEEDS IN Dioscorea check for this species in other resources YAM FIELDS IN NIGERIA


The presence of viruses in yam leaves and the presence of weeds in close proximity to yam fields have been shown to be associated with diminished tuber yield. But the precise role of weeds as alternative hosts of viruses infecting yam has not been systematically studied. Therefore, leaf samples of weeds were collected from Dioscorea check for this species in other resources yam fields in FCT-Abuja, and five States of the Guinea Savanna agro-ecological zone of Nigeria in 2009 and 2010, and analysed by Enzyme-Linked Immuno-absorbance Assay (ELISA) and Polymerase Chain Reaction for viruses. Fifty-four and 70% of samples collected during the two years, respectively, were infected with Yam mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Cowpea mild mottle virus, Pepper venial mosaic virus, Telfeiria mosaic virus, Cowpea yellow mosaic virus and Badnavirus (DaBV). The weeds and viruses were Hibiscus esculentus check for this species in other resources Moench (YMV, CMV and CPMMV), Amaranthus spinosus check for this species in other resources Linn (CMV, YMV), Physalis angulata check for this species in other resources L (YMV, CMV), Procumbane check for this species in other resources Linn (CMV), Phyllanthus amarus check for this species in other resources Shum (YMV, CMV, CPMMV), Ludwigia abyssinica check for this species in other resources A. Rich (YMV), Galinsoga culiata check for this species in other resources L. (YMV), Eclipta prostrate check for this species in other resources Linn (YMV), Justicia flara check for this species in other resources Vahl (YMV, CMV), Euphorbia heterophylla check for this species in other resources Linn (YMV, CMV), Melanpodium divaricatum check for this species in other resources L. (YMV, CMV) and Saccivlepsis Africana check for this species in other resources Hubb (YMV), Melanpodium divaricatum L. (CPMMV), Crotalaria rutusa check for this species in other resources L. (YMV, CMV), Aspelia bussei check for this species in other resources O. Hoffin (CPMMV), Aneilema acquinotide check for this species in other resources P. Beauv (CPMMV), Pueraria phaseloides check for this species in other resources Linn (YMV), Platostoma Africana check for this species in other resources P. (YMV), Conyza summtrensis check for this species in other resources Retz (YMV, BCMV, PVMV, TeMV), Chroniolea oduratiu check for this species in other resources L. R (YMV, CYMV), Mitracarpus villosus check for this species in other resources D.C(CMV) and Sclerocarpus africanus check for this species in other resources Jacq (BCMV, PVMV, TeMV, Badnavirus). Weeds surrounding yam plants may serve as alternative hosts of viruses.

Cucumber mosaic virus; Dioscorea yam; Hibiscus esculentus



La présence de virus dans yam laisse et la présence de mauvaises herbes dans une proximité immédiate avec l’igname champs auraient dû être divulgués de s’associer avec un rendement de tubercules diminuée. Mais le rôle précis des mauvaises herbes comme hôte alternatif de virus infectant yam n’a pas été systématiquement étudié. Par conséquent, les échantillons de feuilles des mauvaises herbes ont été recueillies lors des relevés des champs igname Dioscorea check for this species in other resources en FCT-Abuja et cinq États de la zone agro-écologique savane de Guinée du Nigéria en 2009 et 2010 et analysés par Enzyme-Linked Immuno-absorption Assay (ELISA) et réaction en chaîne par polymérase pour virus. Cinquante-quatre et 70 % des échantillons prélevés au cours des deux années ont été infectés par le virus de la mosaïque Yam, Cucumber mosaic virus, virus doux de marbrure du niébé, virus de mosaïque véniel poivre, Telferia virus de la mosaïque, virus de mosaïque jaune de niébé et mosaïque (DaBV). Les herbes et les virus ont été Hibiscus esculentus check for this species in other resources Moench (Vitrothèque, CMV et CPMMV), Amaranthus spinosus check for this species in other resources Linn (CMV, Vitrothèque), Physalis angulata check for this species in other resources L. (Vitrothèque, CMV), Procumbane Linn (CMV), Phyllanthus amarus check for this species in other resources Shum (Vitrothèque, CMV, CPMMV), Ludwigia abyssinica check for this species in other resources A. Rich (Vitrothèque), culiata L. Galinsoga check for this species in other resources . (Vitrothèque), Eclipta prosterner check for this species in other resources Linn (Vitrothèque), Justicia flara Vahl (Vitrothèque, CMV), Euphorbia heterophylla check for this species in other resources Linn (Vitrothèque, CMV), divaricatum Melanpodium L. (Vitrothèque, CMV) et Saccivlepsis Africana check for this species in other resources Hubb (Vitrothèque), Melanpodium divaricatum check for this species in other resources L. (CPMMV), Crotalaria rutusa check for this species in other resources L. (Vitrothèque, CMV), Aspelia bussei check for this species in other resources O. Hoffin (CPMMV), Aneilema acquinotide check for this species in other resources P. Beauv (CPMMV), Pueraria phaseloides check for this species in other resources Linn (Vitrothèque), Platostoma Africana check for this species in other resources P. (Vitrothèque), summtrensis de Conyza Retz (VMC, Vitrothèque, PVMV, TeMV), Chroniolea oduratiu check for this species in other resources L. R (VitrothèqueCYMV), Mitracarpus villosus check for this species in other resources D.C(CMV) et Sclerocarpus africanus check for this species in other resources Jacq (VMC, PVMV, TeMV, mosaïque). Les mauvaises herbes autour d’igname peuvent servir des hôtes alternes de virus.

Mots Clés
Cucumber mosaic virus; igname Dioscorea; Hibiscus esculentus

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