Field experiments were undertaken for three consecutive seasons at Melka Werrer Research Centre to identify potential wheat (
Tricum aestivum
) genotypes for production during the cool season (November-February) in the Awash Valley, Ethiopia. Results revealed that wheat can be grown successfully in the Middle Awash Valley during the cool season with mean grain yield of up to 4.4 t ha
-1. Rate of grain filling ranged from 40 kg ha
-1 day-1 to 53 kg ha
-1 day-1 depending on maturity. Although the late maturing genotypes had higher straw yields, early maturing genotypes had higher grain production rates and practically the same grain yield level as the late cultivars. Three early maturing genotypes, Blue Jay "S", MILKS-11, and PAI 4 were identified for use in the cotton-wheat double-cropping scheme in the Middle Awash Valley.