African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730 EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 3, No. 2, 1995, pp. 191-201
Bioline Code: cs95026
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1995, pp. 191-201
en |
Opportunities for Biotechnology Research on Sorghum Stalk Rot and Virus Diseases
Giorda, L.M. & Martinez, M.J.
Although considerable progress has been made using conventional
technology in identification and characterization of viral and
stalk rot diseases of sorghum, there is still an incomplete
understanding of the genetics of resistance, and many viral
diseases remain uncharacterized. Biotechnology (cDNA) will play
an increased role in virus detection and identification, and in
marker assisted selection in breeding for sorghum virus
resistance, and to discern the genetic basis of resistance to the
stalk rot complex quickly and more precisely. Biotechnology will
also aid in the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL)
associated with specific Fusarium and Macrophomina stalk rots
responses and drought tolerance.
cDNA, conventional breeding, drought tolerance, marker assisted selection, virus resistance
fr |
Giorda, L.M. & Martinez, M.J.
Bien que des progres considerables aient ete realises avec la
technique conventionelle d'identification et de caracterization
des maladies virales et de stalk rot de sorgho, il reste a
comprendre la resistance genetique et a caracteriser beaucoup de
maladies virales. La biotechnologie (DNA) jouera un role
preponderant dans la detection et l'identification des viroses,
dans l'amelioration de la resistance aux virus a l'aide de la
selection, grace aux marqueurs et dans la determination rapide
et precise des bases genetiques de resistance au complexe stalk
rot. La biotechnologie aidera aussi a l'identification de traits
quantitatifs (QLT) au loci associes au fusarium et au Macrophomia
stalk rots et a la tolerance a la secheresse.
Mots Clés
DNA, amelioration conventionnelle, tolerance a la secheresse, selection avec marqueurs, resistance a la virose
© Copyright 1995 - African Crop Science Society