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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 3, No. 2, 1995, pp. 217-222
Bioline Code: cs95029
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1995, pp. 217-222

 en Integrating Biotechnological Approaches for the Control of Striga
Vogler, R.K.; Ejeta, G. & Butler, L.G.


Our research addresses the Striga problem as a series of interactions between the parasite and its hosts, with potential for intervention. The working hypothesis is that the intricate relations between Striga and its host can be interrupted leading to development of control strategies. Using this approach, key compounds involved in Striga germination, and an effective bioassay for isolating sorghum cultivars that are resistant to Striga has been developed. This assay has been useful in establishing the mode of inheritance for resistance against Striga, and has been used to transfer the gene for low stimulant production into more productive sorghum cultivars, and to map this gene in the molecular linkage map of sorghum currently under construction. In January 1995, eight high yielding Striga resistant food-grain sorghum cultivars were released for wide use in Striga-endemic areas of Africa. Plans are underway for a pilot project between Purdue University, World Vision Relief and Development Inc., and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to increase and distribute seed of these cultivars to farmers in ten African countries.

Bioassay, Striga germination, stimulant production, sorghum, resistance

Vogler, R.K.; Ejeta, G. & Butler, L.G.


Notre recherche examine le probleme de Striga dans des series d'interactions entre le parasite et ses hotes afin de pouvoir intervenir l'hypothese de travail consiste a interrompre les relations entre le Striga et son hote pour developper des strategies de controle. Avec cette approche, des composantes impliquees dans la germination du Striga et la technique de bioassay permettant d'isoler les varietes resistances ont ete mises au point. Le bioassay s'est avere utile dans l'etablissement du mode d'heritabilite de la resistance au Striga et le transfert du gene pour la faible stimulation de la production dans les cultivars hautement productifs du sorgho ainsi que dans le positionnement de ce gene dans le lien moleculaire en construction en ce moment. En janvier 1995, 8 cultivars de sorgho a graines de haut rendement et resistants au Striga etaient diffuses pour une large utilisation dans les zones d'Afrique endemiques au striga. Un projet pilote est en train d'etre monte entre l'Universite de Purdue, le World Vision Relief and Development Inc, et I'USAID pour multiplier et distribuer les semences de ces cultivars aux agriculteurs de 10 pays africains.

Mots Clés
Bioassay, Germination de striga, stimulant de la production, sorgho, resistance

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