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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 5, No. 3, 1997, pp. 273-284
Bioline Code: cs97034
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1997, pp. 273-284

Moukam, A. & Ngakanou, D.


Les sols sous foret humide du Cameroon sont generalement consideres comme des sols ferrallitiques. A cause de la poussee demograpnique dans le pays, on pense de plus en plus a l'intensification de l'agriculture dans cette zone forestiere humide, mais on ne dispose pas assez d'informations tables sur la fertilite naturelie de ces sols. Pour evaluer cette fertilite, 313 echantillons de sols superficiels ont ete collectes dans toute la zone forestiere du Sud Cameroun. Les analyses au niveau du laboratoire ont porte sur le pH, l'aluminium echangeabie, la capacite d'echange cationique, les elements majeurs, la matiere organique et la texture. Les resultats obtenus ont montre une forte proportion des sols acides, des valeurs basses de matiere organique, de la capacitie d'echange cationique, des bases echangeables; des deficiences en azote, phosphore et potassium, une saturation en aluminium du complexe d'echange relativement elevee. On note en general une correlation significative entre le niveau eleve des elements nutritifs et l'abondance de la matiere organique. Malgre l'existence d'une grande variation en texture, elle ne semble pas constituer un facteur limitant pour l'utilisation intensive de ces sols.

Mots Clés
Sols ferrallitiques, forets humides, Sud du Cameroun, sols superficiels

 en The fertility status of surface soils in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon
Moukam, A. & Ngakanou, D.


Soils under humid forest vegetation of Cameroon are generally classified as "Ferrallitic soils". With the increasing population in the country, agriculture is becoming more intensive in this humid forest zone but there is little information available on the fertility status of these soils. In order to better describe these soils, 313 soil samples were collected in the Southern Cameroon. Laboratory analyses including pH, exchangeable aluminium, cation exchange capacity, macro-nutrient levels, organic matter, total nitrogen and texture, were conducted. The results obtained indicate the following tendencies: low pH, low organic matter content, low level of effective cation exchange capacity and bases; nitrogen, phosphorus and potasium deficiencies and a relatively high degree ofaluminium saturation of the exchange complex. Generally the nutrient level are higher where organic matter is more abundant. Though there is a wide variation in texture, it seems not to be a limiting factor for the intensive agricultural use of these soils.

Ferrallitic soils, humid forest, Southern Cameroon, topsoils

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