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African Crop Science Journal
African Crop Science Society
ISSN: 1021-9730
EISSN: 1021-9730
Vol. 6, No. 1, 1998, pp. 79-95
Bioline Code: cs98009
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1998, pp. 79-95

 en Gender and generation: an intra-household analysis on access to resources in southern Mali
De Groote, Hugo & Coulibaly, N'Golo


This paper analyses the differences of access to productive resources within the household of southern Mali. Information was collected through separate group discussions with older men, younger men, and women from six villages. This information was complemented with a formal survey of 96 households in 12 villages. It was found that the essential differences between individuals related to access are gender, age, marriage and being the head of the household. The head of the household, always a man, manages the common fields, but otherwise men have less access than women to private plots and to the gathering of forest products. They have, however, more access to animals, and own all equipment. Differences between ethnic groups are very important. Methodologically, an effort has been made to reduce age into categories of generation and relation to the head of the household, but generally these variables did not perform very well. For future intra-household surveys following strata need to be distinguished for sampling: heads of household, dependent men and women. Other influential variables to be included in the survey are age, ethnic group, marriage and participation in field work.

access, gender, intra-household resource allocation, Mali, resources

De Groote, Hugo & Coulibaly, N'Golo


Ce document analyse les differences en acces aux ressources productives au sein de l'exploitation familiale au Mali-Sud. Les informations ont ete collectees a travers des discussions informelles avec des vieux, des jeunes et des femmes de six villages. Ces informations ont ete completees par une enquete formelle de 96 exploitations familiales dans 12 villages. Il ressort que les differences essentielles entre individus sur le plan acces aux ressources sont le genre, l'age, le mariage, le faite d'etre chef de l'exploitation, et le groupe ethnique. Le chef d'exploitation, toujours un homme, gere les champs familiaux, mais d'une facon generale, les hommes ont moins d'acces aux champs personels et a la cueuillette des produits forestiers que les femmes. Ils ont cependant plus d'acces aux animaux et possedent tous les equipements. Les differences entre les groupes ethniques sont tres importantes. Du point de vue methodologie, un effort a ete fait pour reduire la variable ege en categores de generation et de relation avec le chef d'exploitation, mais la performance de ces variables etait faible. Pour les futures enquetes intra-menage, on retient comme groupes de sondages chefs d'exploitation, autres hommes et femmes, avec variables supplementaires ege, ethnie, mariage, et les participation aux travaux communs.

Mots Clés
acces, genre, allocation des ressources, intra-menage, Mali, ressources

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