in vitro biocontrol ability of
Trichoderma harzianum
on the phytopathogen
Alternaria alternata
improved in the presence of the growth regulators gibberellic acid (GA
3), or indolacetic acid (IAA) or benzylaminopurine (BAP) or foliar nutrient at concentrations similar or higher than those used at the field level. These plant hormones decreased the secretion of endopolygalacturonase (endo-PG) of
A. alternata by approximately 20%, did not modify endochitinase (endo-CH) secretion of
T. harzianum and did not alter germination of conidia or mycelia growth of any of these fungi. The presence of
T. harzianum decreased endo-PGase secretion of
A. alternata by about 50%. This inhibitory effect was independent of the presence of growth regulators. The level of secreted endo-PG of
T. harzianum was not modified by the presence of
A. alternata, but the presence of this phytopathogen in cultures of
T. harzianum, increased both the growth of the biocontroller and its secretion of endo-CH.