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Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
ISSN: 0717-3458
Vol. 6, No. 1, 2003, pp. 13-15
Bioline Code: ej03004
Full paper language: English
Document type: Special Article
Document available free of charge

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2003, pp. 13-15

 en ISSUES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY TEACHING - Teaching the principles of biotechnology transfer: A service-learning approach
Montgomery, Beronda L.


As concerns about genetically modified crops, biotechnology and technology transfer have come to the forefront of media coverage and governmental policies, such issues clearly have implications on the life of every citizen around the world. To combat uncertainties about biotechnology and technology transfer with firsthand knowledge of these subjects, a biotechnology service-learning course was designed. This class examines interdisciplinary issues regarding the transfer of biotechnology and agricultural and medical technologies through the utilization of didactic and service-learning activities. The course provides a forum to discuss global issues with respect to biotechnology transfer, which are becoming more commonly addressed by scientists, social scientists and politicians in our society. The objectives of this undergraduate course are (1) to broaden the perspective of students on global issues related to technology transfer from developed countries to developing countries, (2) to examine the efficacy of technology transfer to developing countries through case studies, (3) to critically evaluate current opinions regarding the benefits and costs of technology transfer to both developed and developing countries, and (4) to become aware of and involved with community organizations addressing the needs for and methodologies involved in technology transfer to developing countries.

biotechnology education, case studies, developing countries, service learning, technology transfer

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