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Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
ISSN: 0717-3458
Vol. 12, No. 4, 2009
Bioline Code: ej09037
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2009

 en Biocontrol capacity of wild and mutant Trichoderma harzianum check for this species in other resources (Rifai) strains on Rhizoctonia solani check for this species in other resources 618: effect of temperature and soil type during storage
Montealegre, J.; Valderrama, L.; Herrera, R.; Besoaín, X. & Pérez, L.M.


Wild (Th11, Th12 and Th650) and mutant (Th11A80.1, Th12A40.1, Th12C40.1 and Th650-NG7) Trichoderma harzianum check for this species in other resources strains were stored for 180 days at 5ºC or at 22ºC, in two types of soils. Strains recovered at 90, 120 and 180 days from the two types of soils, retained their full capacity to biocontrol Rhizoctonia solani check for this species in other resources 618, that produces crown and root rot of tomatoes. Recovery, estimated as colony forming units (cfu) of the wild and mutant strains, showed that all increased their cfu after storage independently of the type of soil and temperature, although kinetic behavior differed among strains. Ratios of recovery after storage in type B soil/ type A soil or at 22ºC/5ºC, higher or lower than one respectively, allowed to establish that Th11 and Th12 were the most appropriate strains for the biocontrol of R. solani in conditions where growth of the phytopathogen is optimal.

bioantagonism, persistence, root rot, tomato

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