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Sociedad Venezolana de Entomologia
ISSN: 1317-5262
Vol. 16, No. 3, 2001, pp. 165-171
Bioline Code: em01019
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Entomotropica, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2001, pp. 165-171

 en Evaluation of Metaphycus check for this species in other resources sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) as agent of natural control of Capulinia check for this species in other resources sp. near of jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae)
Francis Geraud-Pouey, Dorys T Chirinos, Ricardo Aguirre, Yoank Bravo, José A Quintero


Geraud-Pouey F, Chirinos DT, Aguirre R, Bravo Y, Quintero JA. 2001. Evaluation of Metaphycus check for this species in other resources sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) as agent of natural control of Capulinia check for this species in other resources sp. near of jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae). Entomotropica 16(3):165-171.

In Venezuela, since its appearance in 1993, Capulinia sp. is the most destructive pest on guava ( Psidium guajava check for this species in other resources L.). By early 1996 parasitism for Metaphycus sp. was detected. To evaluate its effect during March-May 1999 an assay under field conditions was conducted in Mara County, State of Zulia, Venezuela. Utilizing exclusion techniques, the treatments were evaluated: T1, guava branches completely exposed, T2, branches closed into organza cages and T3, branches into organza cages impregnated with insecticide. The populations of Capulinia were counted and the percentage of parasitism was estimated (expressed as parasitized female on female total). On T1, parasitism resulted highest (100%, P<0.05), observing lower population mean (12.70 individual), whereas on T3, Capulinia reached its population maxim levels (200.5 individual) detecting 39.66% of parasitism. Thus, Metaphycus sp. resulted an important regulator factor on Capulinia populations during this period.

Insect,natural biological control, natural enemies, scale.

 es Evaluación de Metaphycus check for this species in other resources sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) como agente de control natural de Capulinia check for this species in other resources sp. cercana a jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae)
Francis Geraud-Pouey, Dorys T Chirinos, Ricardo Aguirre, Yoank Bravo, José A Quintero


Geraud-Pouey F, Chirinos DT, Aguirre R, Bravo Y, Quintero JA. 2001. Evaluación de Metaphycus check for this species in other resources sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) como agente de control natural de Capulinia check for this species in other resources sp. cercana a jaboticabae von Ihering (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae). Entomotropica 16(3):165-171.

En Venezuela, desde 1993, Capulinia sp. se ha convertido en la plaga de mayor importancia en el cultivo del guayabo ( Psidium guajava check for this species in other resources L.). A principios 1996 se detectó apreciable parasitismo por Metaphycus sp. Para evaluar su efecto, se realizó un ensayo de campo durante los meses marzo-mayo 1999, en el municipio Mara, estado Zulia, Venezuela. Mediante la técnica de exclusión se evaluaron los tratamientos: T1, ramas de guayabo completamente expuestas, T2, ramas encerradas en jaulas de organza y T3, ramas en jaulas de organza impregnadas con insecticida. Se contaron las poblaciones de Capulinia y se estimó el porcentaje de parasitismo (expresado como hembras parasitadas del total de hembras). En T1, el parasitismo resultó superior (100%, P<0,05), observándose el menor promedio poblacional (12,70 individuos) mientras que en T3, Capulinia alcanzó sus máximos niveles poblacionales (200,5 individuos) detectándose 39,66% de parasitismo. Así, Metaphycus sp. durante ese período de estudio, resultó un importante factor de regulación de las poblaciones de Capulinia sp.

Control biológico natural, enemigos naturales, mota blanca.

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