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Sociedad Venezolana de Entomologia
ISSN: 1317-5262
Vol. 19, No. 1, 2004, pp. 39-46
Bioline Code: em04003
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Entomotropica, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2004, pp. 39-46

 en Evaluation of cultural practices to control Thrips palmi check for this species in other resources (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on green pepper
Jorge Salas


SALAS J. 2004. Evaluation of cultural practices to control Thrips palmi check for this species in other resources (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on green pepper. Entomotropica 19(1):39-46.

Cucumber, Cucumis sativus check for this species in other resources L., and black bean Phaseolus vulgaris check for this species in other resources L., as trap crops; silver colored plastic and rice husks as soil cover and associations of green pepper with cucumber and black beans, were evaluated as cultural practices to control Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in experimental plots of green pepper, Capsicum annum check for this species in other resources L. Seven treatments, each with four replicates were used in a random block design. Green pepper associated to black bean resulted in lowest mean numbers of larvae and adults per green pepper leaf (0.48 and 0.25), followed by rice husks as soil cover (0.55 and 0.29), silver colored plastic soil cover (0.71 and 0.29) and green pepper associated to cucumber (0.79 and 0.22), without significant differences (p>0.05) between them, but differences between them and the remaining three treatments were significant. Cucumber as trap crop registered the highest number of larvae and adults per green pepper leaf (12.06 and 9.15), being significantly different from black bean as trap crop (6.60 and 4.48) and control (5.70 and 3.22), which were no significant between them. The same treatments as above, gave low and high counts of larvae and adults per flower and the same statistics significance. Silver colored plastic cover gave the highest yield in kilograms per hectare (14 236), followed by rice husks as soil cover (12 708), green pepper associated to black bean (11 153) and green pepper associated to black bean (9 902), without significant differences between them, but were significant from control treatment. The use of cucumber and black bean as trap crops, or silver colored plastic and rice husks as a soil cover, are viable and low cost methods, very convenient for small farmers to control Thrips palmi on green pepper and obtain acceptable yields.

Capsicum annum , cultural practices, integrated pest management, plasticulture, soil cover, trap crop.

 es Evaluación de prácticas culturales para el control de Thrips palmi check for this species in other resources (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en pimentón
Jorge Salas


SALAS J. 2004. Evaluación de prácticas culturales para el control de Thrips palmi check for this species in other resources (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) en pimentón. Entomotropica 19(1):39-46.

Pepino Cucumis sativus check for this species in other resources L., y caraota Phaseolus vulgaris check for this species in other resources L. como cultivos trampa; cáscara de arroz y plástico color plateado como coberturas inerte del suelo, así como pimentón asociado con pepino y con caraota, fueron evaluados para el control de Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), en siembras experimentales de pimentón Capsicum annum check for this species in other resources L. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques al azar, con siete tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el tratamiento Pimentón asociado con Caraota como Cultivo Trampa (PACCT) presentó los menores promedios de larvas y adultos por hoja (0,48 y 0,25) seguido de la Cobertura Vegetal Seca (CVS) (0,55 y 0,29), Cobertura Plástica Plateada (CPP) (0,71 y 0,29), Pimentón Asociado con Pepino como Cultivo Trampa (PAPeCT) (0,79 y 0,22), sin diferencias significativas (p>0,05) entre ellos, pero si con el resto. Los mayores valores se registraron en Pepino como Cultivo Trampa (PeCT) (12,06 y 9,15), Caraota como Cultivo Trampa (CCT) (6,60 y 4,48) y el Testigo Siembra Tradicional (TST) (5,70 y 3,22), sin diferencias significativas (p>0,05) entre CCT Y TST, pero sí con PeCT. Los mismos tratamientos presentaron los menores promedios de larvas y adultos por flor y las mismas significaciones estadísticas, así como los tratamientos de mayores poblaciones. El CPP presentó el mayor rendimiento en kilogramos por hectárea (14 236), seguido de CVS (12 708), PACCT (11 153), PAPeCT (9 902) y TST (2 430) , sin observar diferencias significativas (p>0,05) entre los cuatro primeros tratamientos pero sí respecto al TST. El uso del pepino y la caraota como cultivos trampa, la cobertura plástica plateada y la cáscara de arroz como coberturas inertes, son alternativas viables y de bajo costo, muy convenientes para pequeños agricultores en el control de las poblaciones de Thrips palmi en pimentón y obtener rendimientos aceptables.

Capsicum annum , cobertura del suelo, control cultural, cultivo trampa, manejo integrado de plagas, plasticultura.

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