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European Journal of General Medicine
Medical Investigations Society
ISSN: 1304-3897
Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 317-320
Bioline Code: gm10048
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

European Journal of General Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2010, pp. 317-320

 tr Apendektomi Olgularında Parazitoz
Karaman, Ülkü; Türkmen, Emine; Iraz, Meryem; Karataş, Turgay & Çolak, Cemil

Amaç: Appendiks vermiformisin lümeninin tıkanması inflamasyona neden olur ve operasyon gerektirir. Bu çalışmada patoloji laboratuarına götürülen appendiks örneğinde parazitoz varlığının tespiti amaçlandı.
Metod: İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde 2002-2005 yılları arasında toplam 916 apendektomi örneği inflamasyon ve luminal parazitoz yönünden incelendi.
Bulgular: Enterobius vermikularisin erişkin kurt ve yumurtaları toplam vakaların 23 (%2,5)’inde tespit edilirken, tenya türleri sadece vakaların 2 (%0,2)’sinde bulundu. Ayrıca 391 konstrüksiyon apandisitin 8 (%2,0)’inde ve 384 akut apandisitin 5 (%1,3)’inde parazit bulundu. Aynı zamanda sırasıyla 18 ve 2 parazitli appendiks vermiformis vakasında plazma hücreleri ve polimorfonükleer lökositler izlendi. Lamina propriada eozinofiller tüm vakalarda tespit edildi.
Sonuç: Bu nedenle intestinal parazitler apandisitin ay considered in the differential diagnoses of appendicitis. Education on how to prevent parasitosis should be included in training programs to avoid any unnecessary surger

Apendektomi örneği, inflamasyon, intestinal parazit, cerrahi

 en Parasitosis in Appendectomy Cases
Karaman, Ülkü; Türkmen, Emine; Iraz, Meryem; Karataş, Turgay & Çolak, Cemil


Aim: Obstruction of lumen of appendix vermiformis causes inflammation and requires surgery. The study aimed to detect any parasitosis in appendiceal specimens brought to pathology laboratory.
Method: A total 916 appendectomy specimens from Faculty of Medicine at Inonu University between 2002 and 2005 were examined for inflammation and luminal parasitosis.
Result: Adult worms and eggs of Enterobius vermicularis were detected in 23 (2.5%) of all cases, while Taenia spp. were found in only 2 (0.2%) cases. Also parasites were found in 8 of (2.0%) of 391 construction appendicitis, and in 5 (1.3%) of 384 acute appendicitis cases. Moreover, plasma cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes were observed, respectively, in 18, and 2 of Appendix vermiformis cases with parasite. Eosinophils in lamina propria were detected in all cases.
Conclusion: Therefore, the intestinal parasitosis should be considered in the differential diagnoses of appendicitis. Education on how to prevent parasitosis should be included in training programs to avoid any unnecessary surgery.

Appendectomy specimen, inflammation, intestinal parasite, surgery.

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