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Side-to-Side Anastomosis without Vessel Clamp : A Practical Method for Arterio-Venous Fistula
Tan, Önder & Atik, Bekir
The radial artery to cephalic vein fistula (radial AVF, Brescia-Cimino, radiocephalic) is the basic technique in arteriovenous fistula construction before hemodialysis and the side to side anastomosis is commonly used between these vessels. The vessel clamps in bulldog and approximater types are special and crucial devices for anastomosis. When any vascular clamp is not available, we perform side to side anastomosis with a needleholder or an ordinary forceps in arteriovenous fistula operation. This method is easy, practical, and inexpensive, and may successfully be used in this operation.
Arterio-venous fistula, hemodialysis, renal failure, side-to-side anastomosis