The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
ISSN: 1606-0997 EISSN: 1606-0997
Vol. 33, No. 1, 2015, pp. 50-59
Bioline Code: hn15006
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2015, pp. 50-59
en |
Validity and Reproducibility of a Revised Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) for Women of Age-group 12-44 Years in Chengdu
Tang, Ying; Liu, Ying; Xu, Liangzhi; Jia, Yujian; Shan, Dan; Li, Wenjuan; Pan, Xin; Kang, Deying; Huang, Chengyu; Li, Xiaosong; Jing, Zhang; Hu, Ying; Konglin, Lingli & Zhuang, Jing
To find a credible nutritional screening tool for evaluating relationship between nutritional status and diseases
in Chengdu female residents, the reliability and validity of a revised semi-quantitative food frequency
questionnaire (SQFFQ) were tested. The validity was assessed by comparing the SQFFQ with the ‘standard’
method of 3 days’ dietary recall, and the reliability was assessed by comparing the first SQFFQ with the
second SQFFQ at 4 weeks interval. Correlation analysis showed that, for reliability, the average correlation
coefficient (CC) of 22 kinds of nutrients was 0.66 and reduced to 0.60 after adjusting for energy; the average
of intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) was 0.65. For validity, the average CC was 0.35 and remained
stable after adjusting for CC of energy or nutrients. Validity of 17 nutrients in SQFFQ survey had correlation
with result of 3 days’ dietary recall. The results showed that the revised SQFFQ can be used for investigating
the role of nutrients in development of disease in Chengdu female residents.
Female; Nutrition assessment; Reliability; Semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire; Validity; China
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