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Health Policy and Development
Department of Health Sciences of Uganda Martyrs University
ISSN: 1728-6107
EISSN: 1728-6107
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2004
Bioline Code: hp04008
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Health Policy and Development, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2004

 en Political economy of health with reference to primary health care
Okuonzi, Sam Agatre


Politics and economics have dealt with resource allocation from time immemorial. However, the basis for resource allocation and sharing depend on the nature and type of politics and economics, which also depend on different value laden ideologies on which they are based. Two key types of political economies have emerged: collectivism which permits the sharing of social benefits; and free market or neoclassical political economy, which provides economic advantages to a section of society at the expense of or regardless of the suffering of the majority of the population. PHC was conceived with the experiences of these two political economies in mind. However, the current free market has reached unprecedented dimensions. It is not possible to implement and accommodate the values of PHC in this sort of political economy. Fortunately, it is predicted that this sort of social and economic order cannot last long, and that its end is at hand. There are many signs that show that it is not sustainable. Only in a socio-economic order where human welfare is the central focus and where the market plays a peripheral role will the principles of PHC be successfully implemented.

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