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The concept of low glycemic index and glycemic load foods as panacea for type 2 diabetes mellitus; prospects, challenges and solutions.
Eleazu, Chinedum Ogbonnaya
Background: This article examines the concepts of low glycemic indices (GIs) and glycemic load (GL) foods as key drivers in
the dietary management of type 2 diabetes as well as their shortcomings. The controversies arising from the analysis of glycemic
index (GI) and GL of foods such as their reproducibility as well as their relevance to the dietary management of type 2 diabetes
are also discussed.
Methods: Search was conducted in relevant electronic databases such as: Pubmed, Google Scholar, HINARI, the Cochrane
library, Popline, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, etc to identify the current status of knowledge regarding the controversies surrounding
management of diabetes with low GI and GL foods.
Conclusion: This article suggests that in view of discrepancies that surround the results of GI versus GL of foods, any assay
on the GI and GL of a food with the aim of recommending the food for the dietary management of type 2 diabetes, could be
balanced with glycated hemoglobin assays before they are adopted as useful antidiabetic foods.
Glycemic index; carbohydrates; type 2 diabetes; nutrition; foods