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African Health Sciences
Makerere University Medical School
ISSN: 1680-6905
EISSN: 1680-6905
Vol. 18, No. 2, 2018, pp. 407-416
Bioline Code: hs18051
Full paper language: English
Document type: Study
Document available free of charge

African Health Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2018, pp. 407-416

 en Problems encountered in conventional HIV 1/2 Algorithms: lack of necessity for immunoblot assays to confirm repeated ELISA reactive results
Yuksel, Pelin; Saribas, Suat; Kuskucu, Mert; Mutcali, Sibel Islak; Kosan, Erdogan; Habip, Zafer; Demirci, Mehmet; Kara, Eda Salihoglu; Birinci, Ilhan; Caliskan, Reyhan; Dinc, Harika Oyku; Midilli, Kenan; Ziver, Tevhide & Kocazeybek, Bekir


Background: The use of conventional (serologically based) HIV 1/2 diagnostic algorithms has become controversial in recent years.
Objectives: Sera from patients who underwent verification tests were evaluated because repeated ELISA-reactive results demonstrated a HIV1+HIV2 positive band pattern.
Methods: The line immunoassay (LIA) test was used for repeated HIV enzyme immunoassays (EIA)-reactive sera in patients at three centers. The Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV 1/2 and the HIV-1 RNA tests were used. HIV-1 and RNA HIV-2 were investigated using PCR.
Results: LIA was used to evaluate 3,224 out of 10,591 samples with repeated ELISA reactivity (30%). We found that 32 (1%) of the sera, along with HIV1 bands and HIV2 gp36 bands, were positive. Only 28 of the 32 verified serum samples with gp36 bands were repeated, and no gp36 band positivity was detected using the Bio-Rad Geenius™ HIV-1/2 confirmatory assay in these serum samples. The HIV-2 proviral DNAs were also negative. Therefore, we excluded the possibility of HIV1+2 co-infection. All samples from the 32 patients were positive for HIV-1 RNA.
Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need to exclude confirmatory tests like the LIA test from the current diagnostic HIV algorithm and replace it with rapid HIV-1 and HIV-2 confirmatory immunochromotographic tests.


© Copyright 2018 - Yuksel et al.

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