Gram negative bacteria
sp. biosorbs chromium (VI) ion from its aqueous solution. The
Biosorption study was carried out by live, dead and immobilized cells of
Pseudomonas Sp at 100 ppm concentration of Cr
(VI). The biomass and protein content of
Pseudomonas Sp increased up to 48 hours. The bacterial isolate was found to
utilize the Cr (VI) up to 100 ppm without affecting its metabolic activities. Hence in the present study the isolate was
further investigated for its ability to biosorbs the Cr (VI) in live, dead and immobilized cells. The biosorption of Cr (VI) is
44%, 49.6% and 66.55% is maximum at 240 minutes by live, dead and immobilized cells of
Pseudomonas Sp.