A short-term ecological study was carried out to comparatively evaluate the phytoremediation potential potential of two leguminous plant species. This aimed at quantifying residual TPH as index for assessing a post-phytoremediated crude oil contaminated soil. Plant and soil analysis were carried out using the photometric method of American Petroleum Institute (API). Result has shown that
Leucaena leucocephala
treated soil at various (0, 25, 50, & 100mls) levels of pollution had TPH (mg/kg) content of 75.33±38.42, 151.00±94.00, 169.33±102.20 and 196.00±115.00 while
Bauhinia monandra
soil recorded 92.00±12.00, 166.00±82.30, 276.00±51.20, 391.00±143.20. The soil TPH value is also in relation to the quantity accumulated in the species, which has shown
L. leucocephala with higher level and low soil level and vice versa in
B. monandra. This apparently indicated that both species could be applied in a phytoremediation exercise.
Leucaena leucocephala tend to have more sustained potential for hydrocarbon accumulation and could be evaluated for its efficacy as a tool in phytoremediation exercise for cleaning up hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Thus could be good prospect in remediation environmental quality programme. @ JASEM