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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2017, pp. 413-418
Bioline Code: ja17045
Full paper language: English
Document type: Study
Document available free of charge

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2017, pp. 413-418

 en Cultivation, Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriocin from Fresh Cow Milk and Meat Samples obtained from Lapai Market in Niger State Nigeria.


This study focus on cultivation, isolation and characterization of Bacteriocin from fresh cow milk (FCM) and fresh cow meat (FMS) samples obtained from Lapai Market in Niger State, Nigeria. Potential bacteriocinogenic bacteria were screened with agar diffusion method on culture plates seeded with Staphylococcus check for this species in other resources and E. coli check for this species in other resources . Bacteriocinogenic isolates from FCM were Enterococcus faecium check for this species in other resources FCM5 and Bacillus megaterium check for this species in other resources FCM6, while isolates from FMS include Bacillusbadius check for this species in other resources FMS1 and Micrococcus varians check for this species in other resources FMS2. Bacteriocins produced were assayed with pre-enriched MRS broth culture incubated at 300C with adjusted pH (7.1) for 48 hrs and stored (40C). The primed cultures were centrifuged (20,000rpm) for 30mins, supernatant were filtered (0.2μm membrane filters), precipitated with ammonium sulphate and steam sterilized (121 0C at 15psi) for 15mins. Bacteriocin-like products (BLPs) were crystallized and tagged enterocin FCM5, bacillocin FCM6, bacillocin FMS1 and micrococin FMS2 according to bacteriocinogenic isolates' typing. After 48 hrs, Bacteriocinogenic load ranged between 5.1 - 6.13Log10 cfu/mL. Biopreservative indexes (BI) of BLPs (0.25 - 0.75 mg/mL) were effective against predominant food spoilers ( Saccharomyces check for this species in other resources , Pseudomonas check for this species in other resources , Klebsiella check for this species in other resources and Micrococcusspp isolated from range of beverages, starchy and meaty meals). Quantified BLPs (20 - 1880 IU/mL) strengths had no direct correlation with the antibacterial spectral (6 - 19mm) expressed as zone of inhibition. Thus, efficacy of BLPs observed in this study, were not a function of BLP quantity but quality. Conclusively,Enterocin FCM5, Bacilliocins (FCM6 and FMS1) and Micrococin FMS2 are thermal and pressure stable BLPs that are effective against predominant food spoilers.

Bacteriocin; cultivation; milk; meat; Lapai; bacteriociongenic

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