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Establishment of a New Urban Solid Waste Management Programs in Mazandaran Province, North of Iran
This study reports residents’ preferences to establish a new urban solid waste management programs
results from a double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method and choice experiment in Mazandaran
province, north of Iran. In order to analysis the residents’ preferences, a dichotomous hypothetical market and a choice
sets with different attributes and options were used For estimation of two mentioned methods, the normal logit and
conditional logit were applied. In addition, an empirical comparison of the welfare measures derived from the doublebounded
DC-CVM and CE is conducted. The main results show that there is no significant difference between the values
derived from the two methods. The mean of WTP to establish a new solid waste management programs in CV and CE
were estimated 2.45 and 2.61 US$, respectively, per a person per a month. Also the estimated marginal WTP for all
attributes in CE was 8.1 US$ per a month. The results suggest that both double-bounded DC-CVM and CE can be
successfully stablished for improvement environmental level quality in Mazandaran province. This paper could provide
the basis for further development of other new programs on sustainable urban management of solid waste in Mazandaran
Dichotomous choice; Willingness to pay; Solid waste management; Mazandaran province; Iran