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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
ISSN: 1119-8362
Vol. 23, No. 1, 2019, pp. 151-157
Bioline Code: ja19022
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2019, pp. 151-157

 en Groundwater Quality Assessment in a University Sub-Urban Community in Delta State, Nigeria: Part A-Physicochemical Analysis


This study provides detailed scientific information on the physicochemical properties of drinking water from groundwater in a Nigerian university sub-urban community. Water samples from boreholes (BHs) and hand-drawn wells (HDWs) in the community were collected and analyzed for their biological and physicochemical parameters, and the metals from July 2016 to January 2017 for wet and dry seasons. Results obtained, showed that the physicochemical factors complied with the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, except for pH being lower in some locations. In the wet and dry seasons, pH varied from 4.4 to 6.2 and from 4.8 to 6.7 respectively. While the mean value for wet season was 5.7, dry season was 5.9; to give a seasonal mean difference of 0.2.Cd and Pb, in both wells, for many locations, were slightly higher than the prescribed limits. The slight elevated concentrations of Pb and Cd could be attributed to oil exploration activities in the study area. The study recommends the provision of improved drinking water in the community.

Groundwater; quality monitoring; contamination; Niger-Delta

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