A 4-year-old boy presented with complaints of dysuria and something coming out of the external urethral meatus since the age of 1 year. He did not have any other urinary complaints.
Local examination revealed a single pedunculated polyp with a long stalk coming out of the meatal opening. The base of the stalk could not be seen. Haemogram was normal. Urine was sterile and urine microscopy did not reveal any abnormality. Anterior urethrogram did not reveal any associated polyps. Cystourethroscopy was done which ruled out multiple polyps. Under anaesthesia, the polyp was found to be arising from the floor of the glandular urethra. The polyp was excised and the base was ablated with diathermy. The postoperative course was uneventful. The histology of the excised polyp revealed it to be a fipoepithelial polyp. The polyp was covered by stratified squamous epithelium with wavy surface. Mild keratinisation was seen. The core showed fipous tissue, blood vessels and moderate inflammation. The child is asymptomatic on follow-up.