A 28-year-old male patient presented with a swelling in the hypogastrium since one and a half months associated with a history of chronic cough, anorexia and weight loss. There was no history of tuberculosis in self or contact with patient with tuberculosis. On examination there was a 5 x 5 cms soft, intrapariet al swelling in the hypogastrium. A clinical diagnosis of haemangioma of the pariet al wall of the hypogastrium was made.
X-ray of the pubic bones showed bony erosion of the public symphysis (Figure 1). Ultrasonography showed a 5 x 4 cms intrapariet al swelling in the hypograstric region. Computerised tomographic (CT) scan of the abdomen showed a 5 x 5 cms intrapariet al swelling in the hypograstrium with erosion of the public symphysis (Figure 2). CT guided needle aspiration of pus showed presence of acid fast bacilli. Fluid adenosine deaminase level was 284 U/L (normal of 0.1-22 U/L). Patient was started on antituberculous drugs and he showed good response. The hypogastric mass disappeared three months after treatment.