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Croatian Medical Association - Rijeka branch
ISSN: 0025-7729
Vol. 45, No. 1, 2009, pp. 44-48
Bioline Code: me09005
Full paper language: Croatian
Document type: Review Article
Document available free of charge

Medicina, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2009, pp. 44-48

 en Diagnostic tests for coeliac disease
Barbarić, Irena


Celiac disease or gluten enteropathy is the lifelong gluten intolerance and in some world areas it affects around 1 % of general population. The recent increase in prevalence is caused by increased disease awareness, recognition of atypical forms, novel diagnostic tests and screening in high-risk groups. Diagnosis of celiac disease in some patients is not easy. Sometimes it is necessary to combine several serological tests with histological findings of small bowel mucosa biopsy. Novel serological tests are highly specific and sensitive, but small bowel biopsy is still the “golden standard” in celiac disease diagnosis. For further patient follow-up and gluten intake monitoring serologic tests are quite enough. For now, the only proper cure is lifelong gluten-free diet.

celiac disease; diagnostic tests; gluten; gluten enteropathy; small bowel villous atrophy; tissue transglutaminase

 hr Dijagnostički testovi za celijakiju
Barbarić, Irena

Celijakija ili glutenska enteropatija doživotna je nepodnošljivost glutena čija se prevalencija u općoj populaciji procjenjuje na oko 1 %. Visoka prevalencija posljedica je sve veće svjesnosti i poznavanja ove bolesti, prepoznavanja oboljelih s nespecifičnim simptomima, tj. netipičnim oblicima bolesti, dostupnosti suvremenih dijagnostičkih testova i probira među rizičnim skupinama. Postavljanje dijagnoze celijakije u bolesnika s netipičnom celijakijom nije jednostavno. Zbog toga je potrebno kombinirati više seroloških testova s histološkim nalazom biopsije sluznice tankog crijeva. Suvremeni serološki testovi visoko su specifični i senzitivni, ali je biopsija sluznice tankog crijeva još uvijek “zlatni standard” u postavljanju dijagnoze. U daljnjem praćenju većine oboljelih serološki su testovi dostatni za kontrolu izloženosti glutenu. Jedino liječenje jest doživotno provođenje bezglutenske dijete.

atrofija sluznice tankog crijeva; celijakija; dijagnostički testovi; gluten; glutenska enteropatija; tkivna transglutaminaza

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