African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Rural Outreach Program
ISSN: 1684-5358 EISSN: 1684-5358
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010, pp. 2050-2069
Bioline Code: nd10009
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010, pp. 2050-2069
en |
Determinants Of Micro Irrigation Adoption For Maize Production In Smallholder Irrigation Schemes: Case Of Hama Mavhaire Irrigation Scheme, Zimbabwe
Musara, JP; Chikuvire, TJ & Moyo, M
This study is an assessment of the determinants of micro irrigation adoption for maize
production in smallholder irrigation schemes. The focus of the study was on Hama
Mavhaire irrigation scheme in Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. An assessment of the
major production constraints in the scheme was carried out, factors that influence the
decision to adopt micro irrigation for maize production identified, the extent of
adoption of micro irrigation for maize production and the contribution of micro
irrigation to maize yields were determined. Questionnaires, semi structured interviews
and focus group discussions were used as data collection tools. Friedman test for
ranking was used to rank the production constraints and the logit regression analysis
to determine the factors that influence the adoption decision. One sample t-test was
employed to ascertain the level of micro irrigation adoption for maize production and
multiple regression to determine the impact of micro irrigation on maize yields in
smallholder irrigation schemes. Ranking results showed that input unavailability
followed by inefficient irrigation systems are the major production constraints. The
gender, age and agricultural training of household head had a significant (P<0.05)
influence on the adoption decision. Results from the study show that 66.7% of trained
farmers and 33.3% of untrained farmers adopted micro irrigation. This shows the
importance of training in decision making. One sample t-test results showed no
statistically significant (P>0.05) difference between the hypothesised (0.35) and
generated (0.31) mean adoption values. The hypothesis of low adoption of micro
irrigation for maize production was accepted. Micro irrigation was found to have a
significant (P<0.05) impact on maize yields in the smallholder irrigation scheme.
Intervention by the government, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and other
stakeholders in the provision of low cost micro irrigation systems for smallholder
farmers may enhance the uptake and result in increased maize yields in these
Adoption, Micro irrigation, Maize, Smallholder
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