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African Journal of Neurological Sciences
Pan African Association of Neurological Sciences
ISSN: 1015-8618
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2002, pp. 26-29
Bioline Code: ns02005
Full paper language: French
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

African Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2002, pp. 26-29



The first stereotactic surgery program in West Africa was established in Ghana in 1999.
This study presents a retrospective evaluation of the pattern and outcome of the first seventeen consecutive stereotactic procedures. It also discusses the benefits, challenges and prospects of the program in West Africa.
17 patients (11F, 6M) with CT disclosure of intracranial mass lesions that could be assessed or managed stereotactically to the patients benefit (9,10). underwent stereotactic procedures during a consecutive 18-month period. Analysis of charts, relevant imaging studies and pathology reports were done.
The average age of the patients was 37 years (range 2-72years). 71% had a preoperative diagnosis of brain tumor; 83.3% were confirmed. All the procedures were performed in the supratentorial compartment. A biopsy was done in every case. 35% underwent biopsy and aspiration/evacuation. The mean CT scan time was 18 minutes (range 5-48minutes). The mean operating room time was 37 minutes (range 30-43minutes). All the cases were done utilizing local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. The average length of hospital stay was 2.7days (range 2-7 days). Histopathologic results showed Arachnoid cyst (2), Neoplasms (10), infection (1), Intraaxial hematoma (2), Thrombosis (1), Normal tissue (1). The failed biopsy rate was 6%. The surgical objectives were achieved without complications. No blood transfusions were given or required. Stereotactic procedures cost 50-59% less than conventional surgery.
It is concluded that the initial experience with stereotactic surgery in West Africa consists of utilizing the Leksell Stereotactic System for the safe performance of tumor biopsies and aspirations/evacuations with reduction in health care costs compared to conventional surgery

Neurosurgery, Stereotactic surgery, West Africa.



Les premières interventions stérotaxiques ont été réalisées en 1999 au GHANA.
Notre étude rétrospective évalue les caractènes cliniques,paracliniques ainsi que le traitement et l'évolution de 17 patients ayant bénéficié de ce type d'intervention
L'étude de ces 17 patients opérés sur une péride de 18 mois a été faite à partir des dossiers d'hospitalisation. Le cadre de Lecksell a été utilisé.
La moyenne d'âge est de 37 ans (2-72 ans). La procédure a intéressé uniquement l'étage sus - tentoriel et a concerné tous les patients. La durée moyenne du CT-scan a été de 18 mn et celle des interventions 37 mn ( 30-43mn). La durée moyenne de séjour a été de 2,7 jours (2 - 7 jours). Les lésions suivantes ont été observées : kystes arachnoïdiens (2), néoplasmes (10), infections (2), hématome intra axial(2), thomboses(1), tissu normal (1). Le taux d'échec a été de 6%. Aucune complication a été observé. Il n'y a eu aucune transfusion. La technique stéotaxique coûte 50 à 59% moins cher que la chirurgie conventionnelle.
Cette étude préliminaire conduite en Afrique de l'Ouest permet de conclure à l'efficacité de la stéréotaxie quant au diagnostic, à la sécurité et aux coûts par rapport à la chirurgie conventionnelle.

Mots Clés
Afrique de l'Ouest - Neurochirurgie - Stéréotaxie

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