Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz
ISSN: 1678-8060 EISSN: 1678-8060
Vol. 96, No. 3, 2001, pp. 397-402
Bioline Code: oc01061
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Vol. 96, No. 3, 2001, pp. 397-402
en |
Phylogeny of the Kinetoplastida: Taxonomic Problems and Insights into the Evolution of Parasitism
Dmitri A Maslov; Sergei A Podlipaev & Julius Lukeš
To further investigate phylogeny of kinetoplastid protozoa, the sequences of small subunit (18S) ribosomal RNA of nine bodonid isolates and ten isolates of insect trypanosomatids have been determined. The root of the kinetoplastid tree was attached to the branch of Bodo designis and/or Cruzella marina. The suborder Trypanosomatina appeared as a monophyletic group, while the suborder Bodonina was paraphyletic. Among bodonid lineages, parasitic organisms were intermingled with free-living ones, implying multiple transitions to parasitism and supporting the `vertebrate-first hypothesis'. The tree indicated that the genera Cryptobia and Bodo are artificial taxa. Separation of fish cryptobias and Trypanoplasma borreli as different genera was not supported. In trypanosomatids, the genera Leptomonas and Blastocrithidia were polyphyletic, similar to the genera Herpetomonas and Crithidia and in contrast to the monophyletic genera Trypanosoma and Phytomonas. This analysis has shown that the morphological classification of kinetoplastids does not in general reflect their genetic affinities and needs a revision.
Kinetoplastida, Bodonina, Trypanosomatina, parasitism, phylogeny
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