Colon polyps are not usual in schistosomiasis. The described cases
are associated to mansonic schistosomiasis and rarely to
Schistosoma heamatobium infection.. The most common
clinical manifestations of S. haematobium are in the urinary
tract causing haematuria and renal failure in chronic infection.
However, eventually, intestinal clinical signs may appear as first
manifestation of the disease. Egypt is the country where most reports
of colon polyps were published. In other African countries where S.
haematobium are endemic severe intestinal involvement is not
frequent. In Egypt there are distinct areas where either S.
mansoni or S. haematobium is predominant. In Angola, in the
northern part of the country where the patient comes from, S.
haematobium predominates. In Brazil, schistosomiasis is due to
S. mansoni with no autoctones cases of S. haematobium
described. The intermediate host for S. mansoni is the
Biomphalaria sp. and for S. haematobium the Bulinus
sp. In Brazil bulinid snails have not been found.