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Indian Journal of Pharmacology
Medknow Publications on behalf of Indian Pharmacological Society
ISSN: 0253-7613
EISSN: 0253-7613
Vol. 37, No. 5, 2005, pp. 315-319
Bioline Code: ph05081
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Indian Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2005, pp. 315-319

 en Assessment and evaluation of drug information services provided in a South Indian teaching hospital
George Beena, Rao PadmaGM


Objective: To evaluate the various drug information queries received, and to assess the quality of services provided by the drug information center of the pharmacy practice department.
Materials and Methods: The drug information queries received during ward rounds, by telephone, direct access, intranet etc. were documented in the drug information request and documentation forms prepared by the department. These forms were evaluated retrospectively for a period of 12 months, from July 2003 to June 2004, for various parameters like status of the enquirer, specialty of practice, mode of receipt of query, purpose of query, type of query etc. The quality of drug information services provided was assessed both from the receivers' as well as from the providers' perspective. The receivers' perspective was evaluated on the basis of the feedback questionnaire circulated, and the providers' perspective was evaluated by using the guidelines from the DSE/WHO seminar.
Results: A total of 666 drug information queries were received during the study period. Upon evaluation, it was found that most of the beneficiaries of the service were the physicians (82%) and postgraduate students (16%) of the department of medicine. The analysis of the feedback questionnaire showed that most of the enquirers (92.5%) utilized the drug information service regularly and appreciated the quality of services provided by the drug information center. Evaluation of queries answered by the center from the providers' perspective revealed that they were within the acceptable limits of quality.
Conclusion: The drug information services provided by the pharmacy practice department of Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, caters to the need of health care professionals and eventually towards better patient care.

Drug information center, pharmacy resource, pharmacy service

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