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Demonstration of LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET-based nuclear receptor coactivator recruitment assay using PHERAstar, a multi-detection HTS microplate reader
D'Souza, Prashanth C.G; Ally, Nafisa; Agarwal, Amit; Rani, Padmaja; Das, Meenakshi & Sarma, Dolly
An attempt was made to demonstrate the possibility of performing LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET based nuclear receptor coactivator recruitment assay using PHERAstar, a multi-detection HTS microplate reader. LanthaScreen™ nuclear receptor coactivator recruitment assay (M/s Invitrogen corporation, USA) was performed using PPAR-gamma receptor preparation in the agonist mode. TR-FRET measurements were done on PHERAstar, a multimode microplate reader (BMG LABTECH, Germany). The Lanthascreen PPAR gamma coactivator recruitment assay was successfully performed in the PHERAstar, multimode microplate reader. This was evidenced by an assay robustness score (Z′) of 0.71. The current work demonstrates the suitability of using PHERAstar, a multi-detection HTS microplate reader.for performing LanthaScreen™ TR-FRET based nuclear receptor coactivator recruitment assays.
HTS, LanthaScreen TM nuclear receptor coregulator assays, nuclear receptors, PHERAstar, time resolved-fluorescence resonance energy transfer