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Therapeutic misadventure with paracetamol in children
Shivbalan, So; Sathiyasekeran, Malathi & Thomas, Kuruvilla
Paracetamol (acetaminophen), though considered a safe, "over the counter" analgesic and antipyretic, can cause liver injury with overdose. Therapeutic misadventure is a unique problem where the existing nomogram used for acute poisoning is not applicable. In this context, early initiation of N-acetylcysteine even before a biochemical evidence of liver injury may be beneficial. A series of 6 children with this type of paracetamol overdose are presented here to increase the awareness and understanding of this problem since no such data is available from India.
Acetaminophen, NAC, N-acetylcysteine, paracetamol, poisoning, therapeutic misadventure, toxicity