Revista Colombia Médica
Universidad del Valle - Facultad de Salud
ISSN: 0120-8322 EISSN: 0120-8322
Vol. 31, No. 4, 2000, pp. 176-184
Bioline Code: rc00029
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge
Revista Colombia Médica, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2000, pp. 176-184
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María Eugenia González, Miyerlandi Torres, Meleny Ramírez, Yolanda Caicedo
All this is because of the critical conditions in which they go in to the Hospital, and because of the risk factors which they face when procedures like oral tracheal tube are applied or on umbilical catheter. These are statistically significative for cases as well as controls with an OR>1 AND P<0.05. Just as blood transfusion, these are massive procedures which increases the risk of getting any infectious disease but not totally demonstrated that they may have been the origin of the break. The permanent overcrowding conditions of the room keep in maximum alert the epidemiological system of vigilance of the HUV. The licking of on October added to the high level of rotation of the medical and support group does not allow to keep constant education in the "protection" that must be done to the children. October was not characterized by high over- crowding, the former months did, July presented 413.3% of overcrowding and the conditions of the normal ways of transmission were given for infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa inside the room. It was inminente the spreading of the outbreak due to the high demand of services on third level of care and a collapsed second level unfortunately this study was started; 15 days after de ending of the outbreak the cultures of routine practiced to the equipments did not yield positive results and we will not know with certainty what was the element which contributed directly with spreading of epidemia. The Epidemiological Surveillance Program informs and it gives the voice of alert based on the revision of the patients registration according to the clinical evidence of the infection and the report of the microbiological positive culture results of the patients. Several conditions were given in the room of CIREN, presence of risk factors in a highly susceptible group of patients in order to develop a break by P. aeroginosa.
Newborn. Nosocomial. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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Determinación de factores de riesgo intrahospitalario en un brote por Pseudomonas aeruginosa en la sala de Ciren, Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, octubre de 1998
María Eugenia González, Miyerlandi Torres, Meleny Ramírez, Yolanda Caicedo
La sala de cuidado intensivo de recién nacidos es una de las áreas más críticas dentro de los hospitales porque alberga niños con muchos factores de riesgo para adquirir infecciones tales como bajo peso al nacer, inmunosupresión y exposición a procedimientos invasivos, determinando larga estancia hospitalaria. La frecuencia de patógenos en estas salas ha aumentado en las últimas décadas entre otras cosas como resultado de la supervivencia de niños con bajo peso al nacer. Las tasas de infección nosocomial varían de acuerdo con los informes presentados por las diferentes instituciones y ciudades. En EstadosUnidos aparece un rango de 5.9-30.4 de 100 pacientes egresados, en comparación con las tasas de México en dos hospitales pediátricos con unas tasas de 25% y 34%. En la sala de Cuidados Intensivos del Recién Nacidos del Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, la tasa era en 1994 de 12% y para 1995 aumentó a 15% por 100 egresos hospitalarios. Teniendo en cuenta la tasa de incidencia de densidad en donde se manejan los días de estancia en este hospital, ésta osciló entre 25 y 30 por mil días de estancia mensual para 1997 y 1998.
Neonato. Infección. Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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