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Revista Colombia Médica
Universidad del Valle - Facultad de Salud
ISSN: 0120-8322
EISSN: 0120-8322
Vol. 32, No. 4, 2001, pp. 163-168
Bioline Code: rc01032
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Revista Colombia Médica, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2001, pp. 163-168

 es Aplicación de la metodologí Gemas Malitas para asignar las causas básicas de muerte feto infantil, Cali 1999
Pedro Nel Beitia, Humberto Rey, Edgar Iván Ortiz, Jorge Mejía, Carlos A. Quintero, Eduardo Romero


Se revisaron los certificados de defunciones fetales e infantiles ocurridas en Cali de julio 1 a diciembre 31, 1999, para asignarles la causa básica de muerte, con la metodología GEMAS MALITAS. Se analizaron 465 certificados; 45.6% corresponden a defunciones fetales y 25% a muertes post-neonatales. Las muertes perinatales representaron 67.8%; 52.6% ocurrieron en niños menores de 2,500 g de peso al nacer. Las malformaciones congé nitas se presentan como la primera causa de muerte con 22.1%. Las infecciones fueron la segunda causa con 17.3%. Los problemas de placenta y cordón representan 12.5%. En 24.6% de los certificados analizados no se pudo establecer la causa de muerte. La aplicación de la metodologí a GEMAS MALITAS para asignar las causas básicas de muerte feto-infantil permite disminuir la causa indeterminada de muerte, sobre todo en los casos donde no se puede hacer autopsia anatomopatológica de los fetos recién nacidos e infantes.

Muerte feto infantil. Causas básicas de muerte. Certificado de defunción.

Pedro Nel Beitia, Humberto Rey, Edgar Iván Ortiz, Jorge Mejía, Carlos A. Quintero, Eduardo Romero


A review of death certificates was made between the 1st of July and the 31st of December of 1999 to assign the basic cause of death using the methodology developed by our Research Center (CEMIYA); 465 death certificates were analyzed; 45.6% were fetal deaths and 25% were post-neonatal deaths. Perinatal deaths were 67.8%. Low birth weight babies less than 2,500 were 52.6%. Congenital malformations were the leading cause of death with 22.1%. Infections were the second cause with 17.3%. Cord and placenta problems accounted for 12.5%. In 24.6% of the certificates it was impossible to establish the cause of death. The application of the methodology GEMAS MALITAS to assign basic causes in fetal infantile deaths is useful to avoid the term "indeterminate," as a cause of death when the autopsy of the fetus or infant cannot be made.

Underlyng casuse death. Death certificates. Fatal mortality. Infant mortality.

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