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As-needed endotracheal suctioning protocol vs a routine endotracheal suctioning in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A randomized controlled trial.
Lema-Zuluaga, Gloria Lucía; Fernandez-Laverde, Mauricio; Correa-Varela, Ana Marverin & Zuleta-Tobón, John J.
Objective: To compare two endotracheal suctioning protocols
according to morbidity, days of mechanical ventilation, length of stay
in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) and mortality.
Methods: A Pragmatic randomized controlled trial performed at
University Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, Medellin-Colombia. Forty-five
children underwent an as-needed endotracheal suctioning
protocol and forty five underwent a routine endotracheal suctioning
protocol. Composite primary end point was the presence of
hypoxemia, arrhythmias, accidental extubation and heart arrest.
A logistic function trough generalized estimating equations (GEE)
were used to calculate the Relative Risk for the main outcome .
Results: Characteristics of patients were similar between groups. The
composite primary end point was found in 22 (47%) of intervention
group and 25 (55%) children of control group (RR= 0.84; 95% CI:
0.56-1.25), as well in 35 (5.8%) of 606 endotracheal suctioning
performed to intervention group and 48(7.4%) of 649 performed to
control group (OR= 0.80; 95% CI: 0.5-1.3).
Conclusions: There were no differences between an as-needed and a
routine endotracheal suctioning protocol.
Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01069185
Suction; intubation; endotraqueal; adverse effects; pediatric; randomized controlled trial; arrhythmias; cardiac; hypoxia