From March 2008 to March 2009, comparative observations of feeding and growth were undertaken on 35,000 larvae cultivated in 3 pools, with respective densities of P
1 208 larvae/m
3; P
2 167 larvae/m
3; P
3 41 larvae/m
3. Identical daily management processes were applied to the 3 pools. Data was collected on 5−8 larvae everyday at 08:00 and 18:00 within 15 days of hatching. 30 days from first dieting, the total length and body weight were measured on 15 juveniles collected from each pool. The first dieting of
Sinocyclocheilus grahami
larvae occurred in the 5th day after hatching, with a mixed nutrition phase of 3−5 days. The larvae within mixed nutrition conditions were vulnerable to death. In order to promote the survival in mixed nutrition, the larvae and juveniles were raised with jelly-rotifers-compound feed. The mean survival rate of juveniles
S. grahami was 82.7%. After one year of cultivation, body weight increased from (0.027±0.01) g (0.003 − 1.22) to (8.83±0.54) ) g (3.7 − 16.7), net growth being 0.73 g per month. Total length increased from 15.8±0.30 mm (11.5−20.0) to 91.6±1.67 mm (75.0 − 116.0), net growth being 6.32 mm per month. Linear growth in total length can be described by the equation:
y=9.82+7.05 month (R
2=0.9891). Index growth in body weight can be described by equation:
y=0.0158 month
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