Predation is the principal source of nesting mortality in Galliform species. Therefore, it is very important to select suitable nest-sites for nest survival and reproduction success. Nest-site selection of Red Jungle Fowl (
Gallus gallus jabouillei
) in Datian National Nature Reserve of Hainan Province was studied using plot method based on field observations between March and July 2008. We systematically searched for fowl nests throughout all habitats by random lines and consulting workers in the Reserve. Sixteen nests were recorded. They were at the base of fasciculate grass or stunt bushes, ten of which (62.5%) were below grass, one was (6.25%) below bushes, five were (31.3%) below grass and bushes. Mann-Whitney
U test showed that Red Jungle Fowl preferred nesting in relatively open places near roads and forest edge, with less leaf litter. Principal component analysis showed that the vegetation cover factor and space location factor accounted for the most variations of the habitat variable, which were the main factors affecting the nest-site selection of the fowls.