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Zoological Research
Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
ISSN: 2095-8137
Vol. 35, No. 2, 2014, pp. 99-107
Bioline Code: zr14011
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Document type: Research Article
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Zoological Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2014, pp. 99-107

 en Cloning the Dmrt1 and DmrtA2 genes of ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis check for this species in other resources ) and mapping their expression in adult, larval, and embryonic stages
WANG, Jin-Hua; MIAO, Liang; LI, Ming-Yun; GUO, Xiao-Fei; PAN, Na; CHEN, Ying-Ying & ZHAO, Liang


The Dmrt family of genes are involved in sex differentiation in different species of invertebrates, and some vertebrates including human. In this study, we cloned the full-length cDNA of ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis check for this species in other resources ) Dmrt1 and DmrtA2. Sequence and phylogenetic tree analyses showed ayu Dmrt1 showed highest similarity to that of Oncorhynchus mykiss check for this species in other resources while ayu DmrtA2 is most similar to that of Oryzias latipes check for this species in other resources . Fluorescence-based quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed the Dmrt1 was predominantly expressed in the testis. At the larval stages, Dmrt1 mRNA expression level was highest during 52-64 days post hatching (dph) and at the gastrula stage during embryonic development. λDmrtA2, meanwhile, was specifically expressed in the ovary and was highly expressed in the female brain tissue, but not male brain tissue. During the larval stages, DmrtA2 expression remained high before day 34, and then fluctuated while generally decreasing. During embryonic development, DmrtA2 expression increased gradually and peaked at the hatching stage. Our data suggest that ayu Dmrt1 might participate in the differentiation and maintenance of testis while DmrtA2 may play a role in ovary-differentiation and mature-ovary maintenance. DmrtA2 might also participate in brain development.

Ayu; Dmrt; Sequence analysis; Expression

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