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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 23, No. 3, 2005, pp. 319-325
Bioline Code: zt05021
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2005, pp. 319-325

 en Effect of hormone 17 the metil - testosterone on the index somatic of Rana catesbeiana check for this species in other resources
Rodrigo Diana Navarro, Oswaldo Pinto Ribeiro Filho, George Shigueki Yasui, Elayna Cristina da Silva Maciel e Luiz Carlos Santos


The aim of this article was to evaluate the effects of 17-a-methyl-testosterone on some morphometric indexes in bullfrog ( Rana catesbeiana check for this species in other resources ). For that purpose, 120 animals with an initial weigth of 42.052 ± 0.528 g were distributed in four 1,54m2 confinements, and fed "ad libitum" with rations containing 44% of crude protein and incorporated with different concentration of the androgen: 0, 20, 40, and 60 mg/kg, respectively. The hepato-somatic index was calculated using the relation HSI = Wf/WT, where Wf was liver weight and Wt was total weight, and the lipo-somatic index was calculated by the expression LSI = WL/Wt, where Wl was visceral fat. It was observed that the hormone did not have an effect in the hepatossomátic and lipossomátic indexes

Bullfrog, hormones, morphometric index, frog culture, performance.

 es Efeito do hormônio 17-a-metil-testosterona nos índice somáticos de Rana catesbeiana check for this species in other resources
Rodrigo Diana Navarro, Oswaldo Pinto Ribeiro Filho, George Shigueki Yasui, Elayna Cristina da Silva Maciel e Luiz Carlos Santos


Objetivou-se por meio deste trabalho avaliar o efeito do andrógeno 17-a-testosterona nos índices morfométricos de rãs-touro. Foram utilizados 120 animais com biomassa final de 42,05 ± 0,528 g e estes foram alimentados ad libitum com ração comercial contendo 44 % de PB o qual foi incorporado o andrógeno em diferentes concentrações T1-0mg/kg, T2-20mg/kg, T3- 40mg/kg, T4-60mg/kg. O índice hepatossomático foi calculado pela fórmula IHS = Wf/WT, onde Wf= peso do fígado e Wt = peso total e o índice lipo-somáticos ILS=WL/Wt, onde Wl= gordura celomática. Observou que não houve efeito do hormônio nos índices hepatossomático e lipossomático.

Rã touro; hormônios; ranicultura; desempenho.

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