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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 25, No. 4, 2007, pp. 301-306
Bioline Code: zt07044
Full paper language: Spanish
Document type: Note
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2007, pp. 301-306

 es Evaluación de dos probióticos sobre parámetros productivos en lechones lactantes
Mejía-Silva, Willian; Rubio-Guillén, Jorge; Calatayud-Márquez, Derwin; Rodríguez-Caldera, Andreína & Quintero-Moreno, Armando


Se realizó un experimento para evaluar el efecto de dos tratamientos sobre el peso corporal al destete (PCD) y la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) en 194 lechones Yorkshire x Pietrain y Landrace x Pietrain en una granja comercial del estado Zulia, Venezuela. El tratamiento control correspondió a un suplemento alimenticio que contenía un probiótico comercial ( Lactobacillus reuferill check for this species in other resources , L. lactis check for this species in other resources , L. acidophillus check for this species in other resources , L. casei check for this species in other resources , Pediococcus acidilacti check for this species in other resources , Streptococcus termophillus check for this species in other resources y S. faecium check for this species in other resources ) con otros aditivos (vitamina B12, cobre, inmunoglobulinas y triglicéridos seleccionados) y el tratamiento experimental estaba representado por leche entera fermentada elaborada en la granja cuyo número de bacterias lácticas fue 7,48 log UFC/g. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, donde los tratamientos correspondieron a la variable independiente y el PCD y la GDP como las variables dependientes, anidando el tratamiento dentro de la cerda madre. Los datos fueron analizados a través del procedimiento GLM del SAS. Los resultados demuestran que no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos evaluados, lo cual sugiere que el uso de leche entera fermentada de fabricación artesanal pudiera ser una alternativa para obtener buenas ganancias de peso al destete al disminuir la incidencia de diarreas en lechones lactantes.

Probiótico, lechones lactantes, crecimiento, mortalidad.

 en Evaluation of two probiotics upon productive parameters in suckling piglets
Mejía-Silva, Willian; Rubio-Guillén, Jorge; Calatayud-Márquez, Derwin; Rodríguez-Caldera, Andreína & Quintero-Moreno, Armando


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two treatments on body weigh at weaning (BWW) and average daily gain (ADG). In this trial were used 194 Yorkshire x Pietrain and Landrace x Pietrain piglets, in a commercial farm in Zulia state, Venezuela. Experimental units were randomly and distributed in two treatment groups, control (C) and experimental treatment (E). The first of them was represented by a commercial probiotic ( Lactobacillus reuferill check for this species in other resources , L. lactis check for this species in other resources , L. acidophillus check for this species in other resources , L. casei check for this species in other resources , Pediococcus acidilacti check for this species in other resources ; Streptococcus termophillus check for this species in other resources , and S. faecium check for this species in other resources ) with addition of vitamin B12, copper, inmunoglobulins, and triglycerides selectioneers. The experimental treatment (E) was represented by fermented milk, which number of lactic bacteria was log UCF/g of 7.48. A completely random experimental design, with one independent variable (Treatment) was used, and each sow was nested into treatments. The body weight and daily weight gain were reported as dependent variables. Data was analyzed using GLM procedures of SAS. There were no significant effects (P>0.05) between treatments. The results suggest that the use of handmade fermented milk could be a good alternative to achieve good average daily gain at weaning decreasing the diarrhea rate in sucking piglets.

Probiotic, lactating piglets, growth, mortality.

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