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Zootecnia Tropical
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela
ISSN: 0798-7269
Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010, pp. 163-171
Bioline Code: zt10018
Full paper language: English
Document type: Research Article
Document available free of charge

Zootecnia Tropical, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2010, pp. 163-171

 es Crecimiento del camarón de agua dulce Macrobrachium jelskii check for this species in other resources (Miers, 1877), en lagunas de cultivo
Urbano, Trinidad; Silva-A, Annie; Medina, Lorenis; Moreno, Carlos; Guevara, Miguel & Graziani, César


Con miras a utilizar el camarón Macrobrachium jelskii check for this species in other resources como fuente proteica en la elaboración de alimentos para peces, se evaluó el período apropiado para su cultivo y crecimiento, utilizando 2 dietas y 2 densidades de siembra. Se colectaron los camarones en el caño Manamo, Tucupita, estado Delta Amacuro, con peso de 0,34 ± 0,087 g y se sembraron en corrales de 3 m2 dentro de lagunas de cultivo. Se evaluaron 4 tratamientos: T1: alimento con 20% de proteína y densidad de 40 ind/m2; T2: 20% de proteína y 80 ind/m2; T3: 28% de proteína y 40 ind/m2, y T4: 28% de proteína y 80 ind/m2; con 3 repeticiones por tratamiento. Los camarones se alimentaron con una ración diaria entre el 20 y 10 % de la biomasa existente. Los registros de peso y longitud promedio se realizaron mensualmente. Diariamente se realizaron mediciones de Temperatura, Oxígeno disuelto y pH del agua de las lagunas. La cosecha total se realizó a los 140 días de cultivo; sin embargo, el análisis de los resultados mostró que los mayores pesos y longitudes promedio fueron alcanzados a los 100 días, cuando se observaron diferencias significativas en ambas variables, debido al factor dieta; indicando que el alimento con menor porcentaje de proteína fue aprovechado de igual manera en ambos niveles de densidad de siembra. Algunos valores de supervivencia resultaron mayores al 100 % debido a la reproducción de la especie dentro de los corrales.

camarón, Macrobrachium jelskii, acuicultura, densidades, dietas.

 en Growth of freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium jelskii check for this species in other resources (Miers, 1877), in ponds
Urbano, Trinidad; Silva-A, Annie; Medina, Lorenis; Moreno, Carlos; Guevara, Miguel & Graziani, César


In order to use the shrimp Macrobrachium jelskii check for this species in other resources as a protein source in food processing for fish, it was evaluated the appropriate period of crop and the growth of the shrimp in earthen ponds, using two diets and two stocking densities. The shrimps were collected in the Caño Manamo, Tucupita, Amacuro Delta State, and after identification and selection to a weight of 0,34 ± 0,087 g, they were stocked in cages of 3 m2 within ponds. Four treatments were tested: T1: food with 20% protein and density of 40 shrimp/m2; T2: food with 20% protein and density of 80 ind/m2; T3: food with 28% protein and density of 40 ind/m2 and T4: food with 28% protein and density of 80 ind/ m2, with three replicates per treatment. The shrimp were fed with a daily ration calculated between 20 and 10% of the existing biomass. The samples for observation of average weight and length were made monthly. Daily measurements of temperature, oxygen and pH of the water of the ponds, were performed. The total crop was conducted at 140 days of cultivation; however, the analysis of the results showed that higher weights and lengths were reached at 100 days, when differences were observed in both variables due to the factor diet, indicating that the food with a lower percentage of protein was used equally in both levels of density. Due to the reproduction of the species within the corrals, some values of survival were greater than 100%.

shrimp, Macrobrachium jelskii, aquaculture, density, feed.

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